Criminal defense specialized in corporate, environmental and political crimes
Protection during all the stages of the criminal trial
We offer preventive legal services, analyzing risks that you and your company are subject to. We have experience in internal, defensive and official criminal investigations. And we will represent your case from the lower courts to its final resolution.
With the highest confidentiality and commitment, we guarantee your protection during all stages of the criminal trial. We practice with the utmost discretion, always striving for excellence.
Criminal Compliance
Preventive legal services
There is no need to wait for a formal subpoena or indictment to protect yourself. Every company is subject to risks, which intensify in times of crisis. Non-payment of taxes, embezzlement of goods, and misdemeanors by employees are examples of situations that may imply criminal charges. To avoid the consequences of breaking the law, your company needs to anticipate preventive actions. Prevention can be done through integrity programs and audits, and we help you with this task. Criminal compliance involves the identification of threats, the development of the solution and its implementation.
To protect also means to investigate. Whether to prevent crimes, clarify facts or follow up on ongoing criminal investigations.
Internal investigations
For companies that are victims of crimes. We offer advice on internal investigations for preventing crimes, detecting illegal activities and to uncover evidence.
Defensive criminal investigation
We prepare your defense preventively, before any subpoena is issued. We investigate what happened, clarify facts and protect
Defense in criminal trials
From the lower courts to the Supreme Court
If you are facing a criminal case or want to take action, count on us for your defense and representation from the indictment to its resolution. Legal proceedings can begin in a Criminal Court and go all the way up to Superior Courts in Brasília, and we will be present at all stages, always working to protect you. We also assume, from other firms, the defense in appellate courts.
Technical and academic opinions
For law firms and outside lawyers
In cases and trials that present unprecedented and particular situations, it is necessary to develop a technical and theoretical basis. We offer this service for lawyers, preparing technical and academic legal opinions in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure.
Defense in corporate, environmental and political crimes
Mains charges defended:
- Money Laundering Offenses
- Tax Crimes
- Financial Crimes
- Property Crimes against Corporations
- Welfare and Social Security Crimes
- Environmental Crimes
- Consumer Crimes
- Bankruptcy Crimes
- Crimes against Public Administration
- Extradiction proceedings
Lucchesi Advocacia
Our founding partner, Guilherme Lucchesi, is a Cornell Law School alumnus (LL.M. ’10), holds a PhD degree in Law, is a Professor of Law at the UFPR Law School and is President of the Brazilian Institute of Economic Criminal Law. He has worked in large firms and in emblematic cases of national repercussion, such as Operation “Car Wash” and similar cases. In addition to his strong professional practice throughout the country, Lucchesi is a member of the New Yorks State Bar. He acts in the intermediation between Brazilian and American defenses, in cases involving the Department of Justice.
Ivan Navarro Zonta, partner at Lucchesi Advocacia, is a lawyer graduated from UFPR and specialized in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure by the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law. He has international experience at the German School of Criminal Sciences (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen) and extensive experience with the Office of the Prosecution in Paraná.
We operate with dynamism, seeking innovation and excellence. We guarantee solid results, a reliable trial and the protection of our clients, before the prosecution until the end of the defense.
Read our Code of Ethics and Conduct.
Guilherme Brenner Lucchesi
OAB/PR 50.580
- Founding partner of Lucchesi Advocacia
- Member of the New York State Bar since 2011
- Professor at the UFPR Law School
- Member of the OAB/PR Court of Ethics and Discipline
- Doctor of Laws, UFPR, 2017
- LL.M., Cornell Law School, 2010
- LL.B., UFPR, 2008
- Functioned as Secretary General of of the Legislative Assembly of Paraná
- Author of the book “Punindo a culpa como dolo: o uso da cegueira deliberada no Brasil“
Link to academic curriculum: click here
Ivan Navarro Zonta
OAB/PR 58.184
- LL.M. Candidate at UFPR
- LL.B., UFPR Law School, 2010
- Specialist in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- Extensive experience with the Office of the Prosecution in Paraná
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+55 41 3044-6162
Avenida Cândido de Abreu, n.º 776, conj. 2401
Centro Cívico | CEP 80.530-000
Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil